Monday, February 25, 2008

Our stay in Belekall Betta

We all came back from Belekall Betta last week. The stay on top of the hill with Swamy Ranganatha and Kalyanamma’s Samadhi who lived their in the forest which is full of elephants. She stayed their all alone till she passed away. The temple and guest house facing a vast valley where clouds are always making patterns with their shadow and light. This hill is 1180ft high from the sea level. The clouds descend any time some times covering us and at other times passing through us with the wind. In the first place I had not spent my complete time even for few days with the children in the past seven years. For the first time after many years I had regular routine with out stress. This time gave us really to plan our future with the grown up children. We have decided to camp near Dharwad for the next three to four months till we find a land to buy and start the work. We had a Brahmin couple cooking for all of us. They made verities of food for children and also fed them till they were content. This made the children very happy to have some thing they like to their heart content. We were able to organize a jeep for amma to come and visit us. She was very happy and children took her around and took care of her so well I was really moved by their love. We also had visitors from Ingrsand Roll Company in Bangalore. Being on top of this isolated hill we received so much moral support from people who visited us. And we were surprised that so many visited traveling a bad road to the top of the hill.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Pictures of our kids in Dharwad

These are some of the potraits of our chidlren in bada camp Dharwad. We are here fromthe last Aug07

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